
We Came To Kill (1997)

Time Of Dreams
Take Care!
Stupid Incident
Under Control
Killing Fields
Nothing New
Funker Vogt 2nd Unit
Special Mystery Track
Тексты песен


It was the time of dreams
an idea arose in front of me
I looked into the distance
is it our future?

come to me tonight
and show me your face
let's do it, let's unite
before the day awakes

we have to search the way
we follow together
we have to turn our thoughts
into the same direction

I've just one wish:
take the haze of suspense from me
and whisper in my ear
"I'm very close to you"

come to me tonight
and show me your face
let's do it, let's unite
before the day awakes


Crowded cities polluted air
every day is getting worse
try to breathe the smoky steam
it will affect your lungs

burning oil-fields in Iraq
a dark cloud darkens the sun
but this happens so far away
so why should I take care

we are living in a nightmare
we call it normal life
the time is reached that we take care
and stop dancing on the knife

The ozone-layer is destroyed
deadly sunrays hit the earth
the world turns from green to grey
all that remains is dust

as long as I live it will be fine
there's nothing what I can do
the world will die and so do I
so why should I take care

we are living in a nightmare
we call it normal life
the time is reached that we take care
and stop dancing on the knife


Shadows in the whirling rain
a young man knees on the street
his executioners in front of him

bullets bounce along the walls
a last attempt of dispair
no matter how poorly they shoot
a riccochet could still kill

in the pale afterlight
see the car's headlight beam
hear the high-pitched song of death
a dirty street filled with steam

here is no soul insight
you finally escape the trap
just a stupid incident
the wrong time at the wrong place

now enjoy your solitude
deep down inside the ruins
don't glance behind you
leave all the screams outside

in the pale afterlight
see the car's headlight beam
hear the high-pitched song of death
a dirty street filled with steam


I see you - with a gun
in your eyes - insanity
in my dreams - I run
you follow me - I cannot stay

I wonder what - has driven you
to hunt me - into the night
all these things - I don't believe
I don't dare - to go to bed

oh father - what have you done
look at me - I am your son
what's the reason - for your hate
I can't love you - it is too late

I hear the shot - see the flash
there's just pain - in my leg
thousand bullets - hit my body
my clothes - get so bloody

a fire burns - under my skin
all this pain - makes me numb
step by step - you get closer
in your eyes - insanity

oh father - what have you done
look at me - I am your son
what's the reason - for your hate
I can't love you - it is too late


They are watching you from far away
everything is under thier control
you can run but you can't hide
in this very little world

so you better leave this place
looking for a better world
without watchers in the night
where you can live in peace

every little step you take
every little move you make
they're watching you they're watching you
without respect for your life

Everywhere are microphones
they listen all day and night
to every tiny word you speak
in your very little world

so you better speak a word
keep the silence in your heart
no more shoutings anywere
until they leave you

every little step you take
every little move you make
they're watching you they're watching you
without respect for your life


You grow up in the wartime
but the wars are all over
peacetimes aren't easy
for a warror like you

there's really nothign left what you can do
now that the war is over
and no one needs a hero

you fought your wars
it was no game
with all your force
always the same

here all the work is done
and now your are still young
there never was much fun
so you have paid the bill

you will be soon forgotten
cause no one likes the war
and you are just a symbol
for this bloddy game

if they ever could
they will look you up
so be careful try to hide
don't give them a reason


you must plan and you must train
for the battle you don't want
to defend what you love
that's how the war begins

so when you walk away
leaving the killing fields
you will be soon aware
what you have lost

peace is impossible
no matter what it seems
someone's killing someone
even in your dreams

you can't give them a reason
you can't tell them the truth
they are so convinced
to know what to do

so when you walk away......

people are not very wise
don't know their limitations
don't know what death means
when they play their dirty games

so when you walk away...


Look at the all the politicians
everyone is telling lies
they always make promises
which never will be fulfulled

you can look to the left
you can look to the right
in the end there's no difference
who has got the power

changing the point of view
promising a better nation
this is nothing new
just a cosmetic alteration

always in search of skeletons
to hide their own faults
there is no more time left
to do their real work

try to avoiding radicals
they are so narrow-minded
they only fight for their aim
don't take care for other things

changing the point of view
promising a better nation
this is nothing new
just a cosmetic alteration


Let me tell you a story
out of my small prison cell
my life had not much glory
but i will burn in hell

i really thought she was eighteen
but she was only eleven
acting like a oorno king
i thought i was in heaven

overcome everyone
a danger love
you will not get enough
you will not get enough
it's on your mind
this danger love
not just for you and me

her father became upset
when he noticed what we've done
I was really going mad
because there was no chance to run
I killed her father in that night
and then I killed his daughter
didn't know what's wrong what's right
that made me doind the slaughter

I told you my little story
out of my dark prison cell
my life had not much glory
and i'm burning in hell




Dien licht ist nun erloschen
die seele weicht hinaus
dien streben hat ein ende
du has das ziel erreicht
diene tage sind gezehlt
so wurde es beschlossen
doch dien giest nicht totzukrigen
aus dem jenseits nun entweicht

funker vogt, funker vogt
immer und immer und immer wieder
im pakt mid dem teufel
gemeinsam zum sieger
funker vogt, funker vogt
nur einmal sieger
verkauftest deine seele
bist jetzt ein schattenkrieger

kameradscaft gibt's fur dich nicht mehr
bist jerzt ein einzelkampfer
doch dien neus feindbild
ist nun die ganze welt
toten fiel dir niemals schwer
als die ausgerburt des bosen
warst du immer auf der jagd nuch ruhm
ohne rucksicht auf verlust
dien boser geist jetzt unm uns schweift
bon unserer welt besitz ergreift
erschaffen hier auf muttered'
gibt's dich schon tausendfach
einen funker braucht hier keiner mehr
denn toten werden wir uns selbst


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