Rambler's Top100
Hosted by uCoz

Try To Forget (1993)

Try To Forget (radio-forg-edit)
Try To Forget (forget-me-not-mix)
Can Feel The Drive
(hidden track)

Тексты песен


You return in the night
Don't have a person to hold you
And you think about the past time
When you were
When you were still loved

You go to bed alone
Don't have a person to warm you
And you think about your lost love
Then you try to forget

Try to forget, Try to forget
Try to forget
You should try to forget
But you can't forget

You don't show your tears but I do
And you hope that someone knows
That you are alone
And takes you
And takes you in his arms

Your secrets are your thoughts
Write them down and start to cry
Write them down and start to scream
Because you know you are alone

Try to forget
Try to forget...


Take my hand
I can feel your shake
We make night to day
We leave all behind
'cause we have no time to sleep
And we have no time to cry
Our time is coming now
We can feel the drive

We play the game
We are addicted to
We can never stop
Otherwise we're feeling blue

You know what I like
You know what I want
You know what I mean
When I look in your eyes
I realize
You stand by my side
In everytime, in everytime

You know what I like...


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