
Take Care (1997)

Take Care (Original Mix)
Take Care (G2 F135 Mix)
Take Care (Booster + 18 Mix)
Take Care (Nightmare Mix)
Fantasies (Burning In Hell Mix)
Тексты песен


Crowded cities polluted air
every day is getting worse
try to breathe the smoky steam
it will affect your lungs

burning oil-fields in Iraq
a dark cloud darkens the sun
but this happens so far away
so why should I take care

we are living in a nightmare
we call it normal life
the time is reached that we take care
and stop dancing on the knife

The ozone-layer is destroyed
deadly sunrays hit the earth
the world turns from green to grey
all that remains is dust

as long as I live it will be fine
there's nothing what I can do
the world will die and so do I
so why should I take care

we are living in a nightmare
we call it normal life
the time is reached that we take care
and stop dancing on the knife


Let me tell you a story
out of my small prison cell
my life had not much glory
but i will burn in hell

i really thought she was eighteen
but she was only eleven
acting like a oorno king
i thought i was in heaven

overcome everyone
a danger love
you will not get enough
you will not get enough
it's on your mind
this danger love
not just for you and me

her father became upset
when he noticed what we've done
I was really going mad
because there was no chance to run
I killed her father in that night
and then I killed his daughter
didn't know what's wrong what's right
that made me doind the slaughter

I told you my little story
out of my dark prison cell
my life had not much glory
and i'm burning in hell
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