
Strangers' Thoughts (1988)

Strangers' Thoughts
Strangers' Thoughts [longer]
They Catch More Secrets

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In the last few hundered years
some people lost their place on earth
they never had a chance
to stay just like they were
I can't understand why should this happen here
we should accept and learn
how to live together.

These are just some Strangers' Thoughts
These are just some Strangers' Thoughts

The reason for the pain
is always based on history
the madness in some minds
has started to do this all
I can't understand why should this happen here
we should accept and learn
how to live together.

These are just some Strangers' Thoughts...


They live in a world
just for their own
and keep secrets
hopeless isolated in a group
Give me your hand
and find solutions
try to loose your distance
waiting is a tantalizing thing
Illness institutions
won't pay for them
the whole time
for someone
only suicide shows away
Give me your hand
and find solutions
try to loose
your distance
waiting is a tantalizing thing
when they
catch secrets.


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